Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Week Of Not Working

Well, school started last week and it was weird and great to not have to go back!! Megan, Ryan, and I are finding things to keep us busy like storytime at the library, swimming, and a little shopping!! It's an adjustment being home and not working, but I'm loving it!! Jason is actually getting home-cooked meals now on a regular basis!! It's weird how when I was working I was out of the house by 7:00 every morning and now it is a challenge for me to have the kids out the door by 9:00!!


marilyn said...

Congratulations for staying home! You have made the right choice. But I can imagine how weird it would be. I had not realized that you had been teaching all that time. Tammy is teaching too. I can't believe you made the switch from lst to 5th. That is a big jump. Good luck to you in your new adventures. You can be a great teacher for your children now!

Jessica said...

Enjoy your time home, because believe me, you are not missing anything!! We just miss you!